VOSSE, Wilhelm M.


   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
Research Period 2009/04~2012/03
Research Topic Comparison of Japanese and German Foreign and Defense Policy after 9/11
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor 日本学術振興会
Research Program Type Basic Research (C)
KAKENHI Grant No. 21530128
Keyword Foreign policy / Defense policy / Public opinion/ Germany / Japan
KAKENHI CategoryPolitics
Research System Basic Science Research Program
Responsibility Representative Researcher
Representative Person Wilhelm M. Vosse
Details The overall purpose of the proposed project is to gain a better understanding of the structure of attitudes and views concerning foreign policies related issues and value among major industrial democracies. The study attempts to identify common underlying values and attributes that eventually give us a better idea what kind of long-term foreign policy objectives receive support from the general public, and how recent developments in the economic, social, political, and security field have affected those preferences. The projected case studies for this project are Japan and Germany, which form an ideal case of comparison because of their many similarities concerning their respective foreign policy constraints.
Permalink URL https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-21530128/