KANAZAWA, Yuichiro

   Tokunin Kyoju (Professor by Special Appointment)

   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
Research Period 2017/06~2020/03
Research Topic Constructing reofense risk assessment tools for neurolocial factors bases for male sex offenders
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research Program Type Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
KAKENHI Grant No. 17K18703
Keyword Neurological/physiological test, deterrence, Iowa Gambling Task, Reoffense assessment
KAKENHI CategoryClinical psychology
Social psychology
Responsibility Research Contributor
Representative Person Yoshikazu YUMA Professor at Hyogo University of Teachers Education
Details We translated the neurophysiological tests, PEBL version of the Iowa Gambling Task (hereinafter referred to as English version IGT), into Japanese (henceforth we call it a Japanese IGT) and conducted the following research. (1) An equivalence study of the English and Japanese IGT, in which the university students were randomly assigned to the Japanese version IGT implementation group and the English version IGT implementation group and their scores were compared. (2) The Japanese IGT was implemented on sex offenders, and the difference with prisoners who were in prisons other than sex offenses was examined. It was found that there were significant differences between the two groups in some indicators. (3) We examined if the deterrent effects differ of Anger Control Training (hereinafter referred to as ACT) on the deviant behavior in facilities for persons with intellectual disabilities according to the classification by the Japanese IGT.