(Last updated : 2023-12-04 23:48:57)
  YAJIMA, Naoki


   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
■ Academic Background
1. 1999/07~2005/06 Department of Politics, Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Completed, Ph.D.
2. ~1998/07 Department of Philosophy, Graduate School, Faculty of Arts, The University of Edinburgh, Completed, M.Sc. By Research
3. ~1991/03 Graduate School, Division of Letters, Keio University, Completed, M.A.
4. 1985/04~1989/03 Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, Keio University, Graduated, B.A.
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■ #Professional Background
1. 2023/04~ Department Chair, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Humanities, International Christian University
2. 2020/04~2021/03 Part time lecturer, Graduate School of Letters, Graduate School of Gakushuin University
3. 2019/04~ Part time lecturer, Divinity, Tokyo Union Theological Seminary
4. 2016/09~2017/08 Visiting Fellow, Princeton Theological Seminary
5. 2015/04~2016/08 Professor, Chair, Department of Humanities, International Christian University
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■ #Present Specialized Fields
■ #Books and Articles
1. Book Joseph Butler: A Preacher for Eighteenth-Century Commercial Society   (Collaboration) 
2. Book Guest Editor: Journal of Scottish Philosophy  21(1),pp.v (Collaboration) 2023/05
3. Book The Encyclopedia of Enlightenment   (Collaboration) 2023/02
4. Book T H Green Prolegomena to Ethics   (Collaboration) 2022/12
5. Book Encyclopedia of the History of Social Thought   (Collaboration) 2019/01
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■ #Academic Conference Presentation
1. 2022/05/25 Response to Richard Velkley's Rousseau's Critique of the Enlightenment and Kant's Response (ICU ICC Symposium ousseau and Kant: Philosophical, Political, and Aethetic Relations)
2. 2022/03/25 ICU-ISSP Conference Opening Remarks (ICU-ISSP Conference: Political Economy in Scottish Enlightenment)
3. 2019/10/18 Professor Gordon Graham and His Work (Symposium: Various Shapes of British Thought and Philosophy--- Centering on Enlightenment and Common Sense Philosophy)
4. 2019/09/22 Hume's Conceivability Principle (The 6th International Forum of Sino-Japanese Philosophy)
5. 2017/05/17 “Some Butlerian Influence on Hume’s dialogues” (‘David Hume’s Dialogues: Symposium’)
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■ #Lectures
1. 2009/11/04 Hume's Theory of Sympathy as the Principle of Human Nature
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■ #Academic Society Memberships
1. 2009/04~ ICU Society for Philosophical Studies
2. 2005~ The Japanese Association of Puritanism Studies
3. 2011/04~ ∟ Board of Directors
4. 2019/06~ ∟ Editorial Board
5. 2001~ The Hume Society
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■ #Research Topics, Funded Research, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1.   Epistemology and moral philosophy of David Hume  (Key Word : )
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■ #Social Activities
1. 2005/07~2007/07 Councilor for the Project of Sewerage Construction, Shibata City, Niigata Prefecture
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■ #Committees and Societies
1. 2021/12 Doctoral Thesis Examination Committee, University of Tokyo External Examiner
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■ #Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research Researcher Number