(最終更新日:2023-10-09 12:39:30)
  ソ, ジェジョン   SUH, Jae-Jung
  徐 載晶
   所属   国際基督教大学教養学部 アーツ・サイエンス学科
   職種   教授
■ 学歴
1. University of Pennsylvania Political Science International Relations 卒業 Ph.D. in Political Science
University of Pennsylvania M.A. in Political Science
■ 職歴
1. 2013/09~2014/05 Woodrow Wilson Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
2. 2007/07~2013/06 Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
3. 2000/07~2007/06 Assistant Professor, Cornell University Department of Government
■ 現在の専門分野
国際関係論, アジア史・アフリカ史, 政治学 (キーワード:International Relations of the Asia-Pacific) 
■ 主要学科目
国際政治学; アジア太平洋地域の国際関係; 外交政策分析; 朝鮮半島の政治と国際関係;国際協力; 国際和解
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 著書  Power, Interest and Identity in Military Alliances   (単著) 2007
2. 著書  Rethinking Security in East Asia: Identity, Power and Efficiency   (共著) 2004
3. 著書  Truth and Reconciliation in South Korea: Between the Present and Future of the Korean Wars   (共著) 2012
4. 著書  Origins of North Korea’s Juche: Colonialism, War, and Development   (共著) 2012
5. 著書  Challenges of Modernization and Governance in South Korea: The Sinking of the Sewol and Its Causes   (共著) 2017
■ 学会発表
1. 2022/10/03 Diatribes and Dialogues over the Past: “History Problems” and Regional Orders in Northeast Asia(Harvard Yenching Institute Visiting Scholar Talks)
2. 2022/03/28 Responding to Agricultural Collapse in North Korea: Agricultural Reforms during Kim Jong Il’s Period(International Studies Association Annual Conference)
3. 2022/03 History Wars, Transnational Public Spheres, and Regional Orders in Northeast Asia(Asian Studies Association Annual Conference)
4. 2021/07 Biden’s North Korea Policy and the Korean War(International Peace Symposium : 68 Years Since the Armistice of the Korean War)
5. 2019/08 Korea’s Security Conditions and the United States(Roundtable on Recent International Challenges and Korea’s Reponses)
■ 講師・講演
1. 2023/09/27 War & War Politics in Korea & East Asia
2. 2023/08/31 동아시아 삼중분단구조와 시민사회
3. 2023/05 Silencing Colonialism: Power and the Production of the ‘Postwar’ History(Los Angeles)
4. 2022/10 Diatribes and Dialogues over the Past: ‘History Problems’ and Regional Orders in Northeast Asia(Cambridge, MA)
5. 2022/09 San Francisco System and the Korean Peninsula: Cold War, Post-Cold War and New Cold War in Northeast Asia(Wanju, Korea)
■ 所属学会
1. Asian Studies Association
2. Asian Studies Conference Japan
3. International Studies Association
■ 職務上の実績
1. Historical Disputes and Regional Orders in Northeast AsiaPolitical History of North KoreaReconciliation in International Relations
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2010 National Academy of Sciences excellent academic book
■ 科研費研究者番号