(Last updated : 2023-10-17 13:27:37)
  DAWSON, Walter P.

   Senior Associate Professor

   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
■ Academic Background
1. 2005/05/18
Degree Acquisition
Columbia University, Teachers College, Ph.D
2. 1999/05/18
Degree Acquisition
Columbia University, Teachers College, M.A.
3. 1999/09~2005/05 Comparative and International Education (Concentration: Political Science), Graduate School, Division of Education, Columbia University, Teachers College, Completed,
4. 1997/09~1999/05 Comparative and International Education, Graduate School, Division of Education, Columbia University, Teachers College, Completed,
5. 1990/09~1994/06 Department of Asian Studies, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Graduated, B.A.
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■ #Professional Background
1. 2013/04~2014/03 Major Coordinator, Asian Studies, International Christian University
2. 2011/09~2013/03 Human Rights Advisor, International Christian University
3. 2008/03~2010/02 Hanyang University (Seoul), School of Education, Assistant Professor
4. 2006/06~2007/08 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University
5. 2006/04~2008/02 JSPS Foreign Post-Doctoral Fellow, ICU, Institute of Educational Research and Service
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■ #Present Specialized Fields
Sociology of education, Area studies, Politics, International relations (Key Word:Policy,Japan,South Korea,China,Development,ODA,Aid,Education,Cambodia) 
■ #Books and Articles
1. Book グローバル化のなかの大学―教育は社会を再生する力をはぐむか  pp.75-86 (Collaboration) 2013/01
2. Book Dawson, W.P. (2009). “Tricks of the Teacher”: Teacher Corruption and Shadow Education in Cambodia. In S. Heyneman (Ed.), Education and Corruption. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.  pp.51-73 (Collaboration) 2009/10
3. Book Civic Education in Japan: Political Socialization in the Japanese Middle School  pp.1-168 (Single) 2008/05
4. Book Dawson, W.P. (2008). Sociolinguistic Constructions of Power in Rural Cambodia – Ethnolinguistic Minorities, Market Negotiations, and Oral Khmer Education. In H. Fujita (Ed.), COE Research Report 2008.   (Collaboration) 2008/05
5. Book Fujita, H. & Dawson, W.P. (2007). The Qualifications of the Teaching Force in Japan. In Ingersoll, R.M. (Ed.), A Comparative Study of Teacher Preparation and Qualifications in Six Nations. (pp.41-54). The Consortium for Policy Research in Education.   (Collaboration) 2007/05
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■ #Academic Conference Presentation
1. 2018/08 (Association of Education Research Conferences) Link
2. 2017/08 Chaired and Organized International Panel (Japan Education Research Association) Link
3. 2016/08 Comparison of Bilateral Aid Agencies for Education: Convergence and Divergence (Japan Education Research Association) Link
4. 2013/08 Globalization, Bilateral Education Aid Agencies, and the OECD: Convergence and Divergence among Japanese, South Korean, and Chinese Institutions (Japan Education Research Association) Link
5. 2013/03 East-East Transfer: A Comparison of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese funded Education Projects in Cambodia (Comparative and International Education Society)
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■ #Lectures
1. 2022/10/17 Bilateral and Multilateral Agency Aid for Education in Cambodia: Coordination and Governance. (Brussels)
2. 2019/03/27 Models for Cambodian Educational/Political Development: Bilateral Agencies, Influence & Democratization (Kobe University) Link
3. 2008/07/05 Making Multilingual Education Policy Attractive: Towards an Applied Model for Advocacy (Bangkok) Link
4. 2006/02 Reform of Japanese Higher Education: Economic Power and Noblesse Oblige Link
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■ Professional Achievements
● Other note that should be mentioned specially on duty
1. I teach classes related to education in asia (Cambodia, SE Asia, Japan, South Korea) and related policies, practices, and reform movements. In a similar vein my research focuses on the transfer of education policies and practices from East Asia (Japan, South Korea, and China) to Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, etc.) and the implications for international relations and ODA.
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■ #Research Topics, Funded Research, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1. 2018/04~2023/03  A Comparative Study of Donor Influence on Cambodia's Educational Development: Competition between Japan, China, and Western Donors for Influence on Global Models for Educational Development  (Key Word : ) Link
2. 2015/04~2018/03  Applying Theory of Political Science and IR to Globalization of Education Policy  (Key Word : Education / Development / Cambodia / Japan / Training / Math Education / Science Education) Link
3. 2012~2015  Comparing Asian and “Western” Bilateral Aid Institutions: Convergence and Divergence in the Global Movement for Educational Expansion  (Key Word : Development / Education / ODA / Cambodia / JICA / KOICA / China / EU) Link
4. 2010/04~2012/03  A Comparative Study of Japanese, Chinese, and South Korean Bilateral Assistance for Educational Development in Cambodia  (Key Word : ) Link
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