(Last updated : 2023-10-16 15:08:15)
  KIKUCHI, Hideaki


   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
■ Academic Background
1. ~1996 Graduate School, Division of Humanities, The University of Tokyo, Completed
2. 1979/04~1983/03 Faculty of Literature, Waseda University, Graduated,
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■ #Professional Background
1. 2015/09~ Department Chair of History
2. 2010/04~2013/03 Chair, Dept. of History, International Christian University
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■ #Present Specialized Fields
History of Asia and Africa (Key Word:religion,Taiping rebellion,social history,migration) 
■ #Books and Articles
1. Book Jintian Uprising and march to Nanjing, a study of early days of Taiping   (Single) 2013/02
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■ #Academic Conference Presentation
1. 2012/06/22 近代中国辺境社会被作為文明的「中国化」──光緒時期広西少数民族地区的開発和地方政府 (第四届国際漢学会議)
2. 2012/04/21 同治初年中國政治精英的敬陳管見(Proposal of Chinese elite in late imperial China)
3. 2011/12/28 洪秀全的挫折和上帝教 (紀念太平天国起義160周年学術研究討論会)
4. 2011/08/10 太平天国的客家正統論与中国民族主義(中国語) (紀念太平天国起義160周年学術研究討論会)
5. 2008/03/12 中国史研究的新史料発掘及其運用方法――以太平天国史研究爲例(中国語) (台湾国立台湾大学歴史系)
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■ #Academic Society Memberships
1. 1993~ 明清史合宿
2. 1992~ 史学会
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■ Educational Achievements
● Practice example of education method
1. I have revised the handout for my classes by using the new information about the Chinese and Japanese History.~現在
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■ #Research Topics, Funded Research, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1.   Study of Taiping Rebellion in 19th century  (Key Word : )
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■ #E-Mail Addresses
■ #Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research Researcher Number