    (Last updated : 2024-02-28 20:53:52)
  ITO, Aki


   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
■ Academic Background
1. 1994/04~1999/09 Graduate School, Doctral Research Course in Human Culture, Ochanomizu University, Completed,
2. 1992/04~1994/03 Graduate School, Division of Home Economics, Ochanomizu University, Completed,
3. 1988/04~1992/03 Department of Clothing, Faculty of Home Economics, Ochanomizu University, Graduated
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■ #Professional Background
1. 2011/04~2013/03 Chair, Department of Art and Music, International Christian University
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■ #Present Specialized Fields
Aesthetics and studies on art (Key Word:Storia del costume italiano,Simbolismo cromatico) 
■ #Books and Articles
1. Book Arca di filo. Gli animali nel merletto.   (Collaboration) 2002/09
2. Article Il "Made in Italy" in Giappone negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta del Novecento Humanities: Christianity and Culture pp.53-76 (Single) 2017/12 Link
3. Article Il Medioevo della distanza ma anche dell'incontro Humanities: Christianity and Culture pp.3-22 (Single) 2017/12 Link
4. Article L'influenza del Giappone nella moda italiana del Novecento Humanities: Christianity and Culture pp.23-52 (Single) 2017/12 Link
5. Article L’eroina che si pettina
-----Semiramide negli affreschi del Castello della Manta a Saluzzo e nel «De mulieribus claris»  pp.367-377 (Single) 2016/12
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■ #Academic Society Memberships
1. 2009/04~ Japan Society for Medieval European Studies
2. 2008/09~ Society of Emblem Studies
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■ #Research Topics, Funded Research, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1. 2008/11~2010/03  Gender Studies in the historic phenomenon of Western costume  (Key Word : )
2. 2002/04~2004/03  A historical and comparative study on the transmission of fashion information in Japan and Europe  (Key Word : )
3. 2002/04~  storia del costume italiano, simbolismo cromatico  (Key Word : )
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■ #Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research Researcher Number