    (Last updated : 2024-03-17 17:33:28)


   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
■ Academic Background
1. 2004/11/01
Degree Acquisition
Michigan State University, PhD
2. 1995/11/01
Degree Acquisition
University of Bath, MSc
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■ #Professional Background
1. 2006/04~2007/03 Assistant Professor, International Christian University College of Liberal Arts
2. 2007/04~2011/03 Associate Professor, International Christian University College of Liberal Arts
3. 2011/04~2016/03 Senior Associate Professor, International Christian University College of Liberal Arts Division of Arts and Sciences
4. 2016/04~ Professor, International Christian University College of Liberal Arts Division of Arts and Sciences
5. 2022/01~ Visiting Professor, Center for Digital Green-innovation, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
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■ #Present Specialized Fields
Sociology, Sociology of Science (Key Word:food safety, social studies of biotechnology, trust) 
■ Profile
Dr. Yamaguchi specializes in the sociology of knowledge, the sociology of agriculture and food, and science and technology studies. She has worked on a range of research projects examining the ways in which social reality is constructed in situations involving conflict and controversy; her primary focus as been the ways in which scientific knowledge is interpreted, reaffirmed and altered in day-to-day interactions between stakeholders attempting to exert influence in a situation, and how and why dominant interpretations give power to some stakeholders and not others. She employs qualitative research methods including in-depth interviews, focus groups, content analysis of textual data, and participant observations. She has examined social conflicts concerning GM cotton in India, nutritionally enhanced GMOs, BSE, nanotechnology in food, and functional foods. She is currently working on food safety/risk debates with respect to radioactive nuclides.
■ #Main Course Titles
Social Studies of Science and Technology, Sociology of Food and Agriculture, Qualitative Analysis in Sociology, Approaches to Sociological Research Link
■ #Books and Articles
1. Article Exploring the landscape of public attitudes towards gene-edited foods in Japan Breeding Science advpub (Collaboration) 2024/01
2. Book 'Pathways to Sustainable Food System' Accelerators for Sustainable Development pp.61-78 (Collaboration) 2023/09
3. Book ゲノム編集技術と社会をつなぐ試み:海外のコミュニケーション活動   (Single) 2023/06
4. Book "Introduction to Interview Research Method: Approaches and Practices in Qualitative Research"   (Collaboration) 2023/04
5. Book JSSTS 2021 and Beyond - 20th Anniversary Conference Journal of Science and Technology Studies (21),pp.9-44 (Collaboration) 2023/02
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■ #Academic Conference Presentation
1. 2023/12/10 Collaboration of Plant Breeders and Statistical Geneticists: A Shadow Work Perspective (The 22nd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Science and Technology Stuidies)
2. 2023/10/08 スマート農業化プロセスに見られるシャドウ・ワーク (96th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society)
3. 2023/06/08 Discussant of the panel: Towards Responsible Innovation with Conscience and Agility -- Four Cases of ELSI/RRI Research Projects (International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology)
4. 2022/12/09 Pathways to Sustainable Food Production: FoodTech and Agroecology (Accelerators for Sustainable Development -- 42nd ICU SSRI – Sophia IGC Symposium)
5. 2022/12/07 Making a Way: The Protected Space for Gene Edited Food in Japan (Annual Meeting of the International Society for Social Studies of Science)
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■ #Lectures
1. 2024/01/17 Sociological Approaches to Advanced Science and Technology: A Discourse Analysis
2. 2023/02/27 社会調査からみるゲノム編集作物・食品の社会受容の動向 (オンライン)
3. 2023/02/07 遺伝子改変技術のELSIとは? (Tokyo)
4. 2022/11/09 ゲノム編集技術のELSIとは? (奈良県)
5. 2022/02/16 ゲノム編集技術をめぐる社会的課題 (奈良県)
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■ #Academic Society Memberships
1. 2021/05~ 研究・イノベーション学会
2. 2013/04~2021/04 フードシステム学会
3. 2013/04~ The Japan Sociological Society
4. 2008~2018 Asia-Pacific STS Network
5. 2008~ European Association for the Studies of Science and Technology
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■ #Research Topics, Funded Research, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1. 2022/04~2026/03  「食農環境分野へのゲノム編集等先端技術応用をめぐる選択と熟議に関する研究」  (Key Word : ゲノム編集技術 / 萌芽的科学技術 / 熟議 / 人新世)
2. 2021/09~  National Science Foundation - Gene Editing in Agriculture and Food: A Comparative Assessment of Trust and How Technologies of Trust and Sociotechnical Imaginaries  (Key Word : 社会技術的想像力)
3. 2020/04~2024/03  「科学実践の基盤的活動とシャドウ・ワーク:科学社会学からのフレームワーク構築」  (Key Word : Show work, valuation, standardization)
4. 2019/04~2025/03  「先端科学技術への信頼の社会学研究:生命科学の農業と医療への応用過程の比較を通して」  (Key Word : emering technologies, trust)
5. 2019/10~2025/03  JST OPERA - 食の未来を拓く革新的先端技術の創出  (Key Word : )
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■ #Committees and Societies
1. 2023/04/11~ Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies Vice President
2. 2023/09~2025/03 文部科学省科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術予測・政策基盤調査研究センター 「第 12 回科学技術予測調査」 農林水産・食品・バイオテクノロジー分科会 委員
3. 2020/05/01~ JST/RISTEX ELSI Program Program Advisor
4. 2022/12~2023/12 Society for Social Studies of Science Member of the Program Committee 2023 4S Meeting
5. 2023/11/21~2025/11/22 三鷹市環境保全審議会 三鷹市環境保全審議会委員
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■ #Websites
   Forecasting and Society: Social and Political Dimensions of "the Science of Forecasting"
■ #Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research Researcher Number
■ External Researcher ID