(Last updated : 2024-04-03 16:52:34)
  SHIMIZU, Yasuo

   Senior Associate Professor

   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
■ Academic Background
1. 2012/12/31
Degree Acquisition
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ph.D
2. 2002/10~2010/09 Human System Science, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Completed,
3. 2002/10~2010/09 〔Doctoral Course〕 Human System Science Course, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Completed, Ph.D in Human System Science
4. 2002/03/15
Degree Acquisition
Tokyo Gakugei University, Master of Arts in Education
5. 2000/04~2002/03 〔Master Course〕 Integrated Educational Science, Educational Counseling Course, Graduate School, Division of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, Graduate School of Education, Completed, Master of Arts in Education
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■ #Professional Background
1. 2018/04~ Senior Associate Professor, International Christian University College of Liberal Arts Division of Arts and Sciences
2. 2018/04~ Part Time Lecturer, School of Sport and Health Science, Ryutsu Keizai University
3. 2017/09~2018/03 Visiting Scholoar, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Health Psychology, University of Groningen Link
4. 2016/04~2018/03 Senior Associate Professor, International Christian University College of Liberal Arts Department of Health and Physical Education
5. 2014/04~2015/03 Part time lecturer in Educational Psychology, School of Marine Biology, Kitaato University
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■ #Present Specialized Fields
Health Education, Health Behavioral Science, Health Psychology, School Mental Health, School Hygine (Key Word:Health Science) 
■ #Main Course Titles
Health Science
■ #Books and Articles
1. Book Basics of Health Psychology: Lifelong Development Encyclopedia of Health Psychology pp.16-18 (Collaboration) 2019/10 Link
2. Book A Study of Sport Psychiatry: Relationship with Sport Psychology Sports Psychiatry pp.235-241 (Collaboration) 2018/12 Link
3. Book School Mental Health Handbook School Mental Health Handbook  (Collaboration) 2017/09 Link
4. Book Relationship between Psychological Prediction Factors of Exercise Behavior and Mental Health of Japanese Youth  pp.1-142 (Single) 2016/02 Link
5. Book Health Psychology   (Collaboration) 2012/08 Link
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■ #Academic Conference Presentation
1. 2023/03/12 Karate Mastersʼ Coaching Philosophies for Adult Karate Traineesʼ Goals: An Exploratory Study using Text Mining Analysis Methods (22nd Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Test and Measurement in Health and Physical Education)
2. 2023/03/04 A Psychological Suicide Prevention Model with Help-seeking as a Mediating Variable (Annual Conference of Japanese Association of School Mental Health) Link
3. 2023/03/04 The Study of Characteristics of Psychological Development in Siblings who Have Differently Abled Siblings: Examination of Personality Characteristics, Life Course Selection, and Effect of Relationships with their Parents (Annual Conference of Japanese Association of School Mental Health) Link
4. 2022/03/05 Examination of a model for promoting preventive behavior against novel coronavirus infections among junior and senior high school students by home health guidance by parents and health education by teachers in school (Japanese Association of School Mental Health 25th Annual Conference)
5. 2020/02/08 The Effect of Parental Commitment on Children's Resilience. (23rd Annual Conference of Japanese School Mental Health Association)
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■ #Lectures
1. 2021/10/31 How we can support for increase students' self-esteem and self-efficacy (Kagawa(Online))
2. 2021/01/23 Considering the Diversity of Schools: Issues in School Improvement from the Perspective of Community Building (Okayama) Link
3. 2020/11/22 The present situation in Japanese schools and the potential application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Kyoto(Online)) Link
4. 2020/02/26 An exploratory study of parents' nurturing attitudes and home environment as determinants of promotion and interference of Internet addiction among youth (Tokyo) Link
5. 2020/02/07 Academic societies and dissertations that can be utilized in work related to school mental health (Okayama) Link
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■ #Teaching Experience
1. Mental Health for Organization(Open University in Japan)
2. Physical Education(ICU)
3. Health Science(ICU)
4. Sport Psychology(Ochanomizu University)
5. Sport Psychology(J.F. Oberlin University)
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■ #Qualification and Licenses
1. 2002/03 Teacher's Licenses in High School (Specialized certificate: English, History, Geography, Civics, Ethics, Physical and Health Education)
2. 2002/03 Teacher's Licenses in Junior High School (Specialized certificate: English, Social Studies, Physical and Health Education)
3. 2022/09/14 Certified Public Psychologist
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■ #Academic Awards
1. 2024/03 The Japan School Inprovement Research Association Best Research Presentation Award at the annual conference of 2024 (Influence of Health Education at School and Home on Health Literacy--Development of a Measurement Tool for School/Home Health Education) Link
2. 2023/03 Annual Conference of Japanese School Mental Health Best Presentation Award at 26th Annual Conference of Japanese School Mental Health (The Study of Characteristics of Psychological Development in Siblings who Have Differently Abled Siblings: Examination of Personality Characteristics, Life Course Selection, and Effect of Relationships with their Parents) Link
3. 2021/02 Japanese Association of School Mental Health The Best Research Paper Award, 2020 of Journal of School Mental Health (A Study of Pros and Cons of Accessing Social Media using a Smartphone : Analysis by Text Mining)
4. 2020/10 Kanagawa Association of Sport and Health Science The Best Paper Award 2020th (Research on Impression and Emotion Evaluation of Spectators in Artistic Sports Performance) Link
5. 2019/12 Japan Association of Mental Health The Best Poster Presentation Awards on 35th Annual Conference (Relationship between Work Engagement and Collective Efficacy for Japanese Teachers)
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■ #Research Topics, Funded Research, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1. 2021/04~2024/03  Development of a prevention program based on the elucidation of the social and environmental determinants that induce corporal punishment of school teachers.  (Key Word : )
2. 2021/04~2024/03  Influence of artificial turf and rubber infill released into environment on the health of aquatic animals  (Key Word : )
3. 2020/07~2021/07  Examination of a model for promoting preventive behavior against novel coronavirus infections among junior and senior high school students by home health guidance by parents and health education by teachers in school  (Key Word : )
4. 2019/04~2020/03  A Study on the Coaching Ability of Instructors Affecting Athletic Members' Sense of Adjustment to Club Activities and Sports Performance.  (Key Word : )
5. 2019/04~2022/03  Development and Evaluation of a Life Skills Education Program Intended to Promote Parent-Child Relationship through Wall Climbing.  (Key Word : )
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■ #Committees and Societies
1. 2019/04~ Japanese Association of School Improvement Research Association Director and Editor Link
2. 2019/04~ Japanese Association of Stress Management Director Link
3. 2018/04~ Japanese Association of School Mental Health Vice President, Chief of the International Committee and Editor of the Journal Link
4. 2016/04~2020/03 Japanese Association of Mental Health Director Link
5. 2012/04~ Kanagawa Association of Sport and Health Science Director and Chief Editor of the Journal Link
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■ #Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research Researcher Number