    (Last updated : 2023-12-25 16:08:06)
  IKOMA, Natsumi


   Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
■ Academic Background
1. 2002/07/10
Degree Acquisition
Durham University, Ph.D.
2. 1998/10~2001/09 〔Doctoral Course〕 English Studies, Arts and Humanities Faculty, University of Durham
3. 1997/04~2003/03 English Literature and Language, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Kyoto University, Completed,
4. 1995/10~1996/09 〔Master Course〕 Contemporary Literary Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Lancaster University, Completed,
5. 1994/04~1997/03 English Literature and Language, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Kyoto University, Completed,
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■ #Professional Background
1. Master's Course, Comparative Culture Program, Graduate School, School of Arts and Sciences
2. ID Majors Major: Gender and Sexuality Studies, Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts
3. Doctoral Course, Ph. D. Program, Graduate School, School of Arts and Sciences
4. 2014/04~2017/08 Director, Centre for Gender Studies
5. 2010/09~2012/03 Chair, Dept. of Literary Studies, International Christian University
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■ #Present Specialized Fields
Gender, European Literature, Literature in general, Japanese Literature, History of thought (Key Word:Women's Writing, the Body, Angela Carter, Feminist Literary Theories, End of Literature, Narrative Monstrosity, Grotesque, Terrorism and Literature, Contemporary Literature, AI and Posthuman) 
■ #Main Course Titles
Contemporary British Literature, Feminist Theory, Comparative Literature, Gender Studies
■ #Books and Articles
1. Book Writing is a Resistance: The Second World War and British Women Writers   (Collaboration) 2023/02 Link
2. Book Angela Carter's Pyrotechnics: A Union of Contraries   (Collaboration) 2022/01 Link
3. Book Re-Orienting the Fairy Tale: Contemporary Fairy-Tale Adaptations across Cultures  pp.113-136 (Collaboration) 2020/08 Link
4. Book Seduced by Japan: A Memoir of the Days Spent with Angela Carter with "Her Side of the Story" written by Natsumi Ikoma   (Single) 2017/11
5. Book Women Writing Across Cultures: Present, Past, Future   (Collaboration) 2017/11 Link
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■ #Academic Conference Presentation
1. 2022/03/05 Angela Carter as an Author of Global Literature (Angela Carter: A Radical Prescience?)
2. 2021/03/21 From Frankenstein to the Handmaid's Tale: Reproduction and Feminist Dystopia (Feminist / Queer Utopias and Dystopias – Alternative Worlds Imagined through Non-Normative Desires and Bodies)
3. 2020/10/09 Gendered Language, Gendered Translation: Problems of Patriarchal Translational Practice in Japan (1st Conference of Angela Carter Society)
4. 2019/10/19 Fantasy as the Narrative of Other: Women in English Literature
5. 2019/09/28 "Anthropological Curiosity or Mere Prurience?": Literary Pilgrimage and Unpacking the Tourist Gaze in Angela Carter's "A Fertility Festival" (At the Crossroad of Doubts: Anthropology and Anglophone Travel Writing)
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■ #Lectures
1. 2018/11/23 Arrogance of Tolerance: Narrative of Diversity
2. 2018/04/19 “Angela Carter: Performance, Performativity, Theatricality” (University of Antwerp)
3. 2018/01/18 “Angela Carter’s Marionette and Japanese Theatre Tradition” (University of East Anglia)
4. 2017/11/23 Literature and Gender in Japan (University of East Anglia)
5. 2009/12/04 On Modern Witches
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■ #Academic Society Memberships
1. 2019/06~ Liberlit Conference Japan Link
2. 2023/04~ ∟ Organizing Committee
3. 2017 Angela Carter Society
4. 2017 ∟ Advisory Board Member
5. 2008~ Contemporary Women's Writing Association
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■ Educational Achievements
● Matter that should be mentioned specially in others educational activity
1. 2006/09~2008/03 Director of International Educational Exchange
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■ #Teaching Experience
1. History of English Literature(ICU)
■ Professional Achievements
● Other note that should be mentioned specially on duty
1. Focuses on gender representations in modern, and contemporary literature (British and Japanese, mainly). Recently patriarchal discourses activated in crises are of my research interest. My longterm research topic is Angela Carter's literary universe.
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■ #Academic Awards
1. 1999/10 Department of English Studies, Durham University Departmental Postgraduate Award, Durham University
2. 1998/10 Durham University Durham University Postgraduate Scholarship
3. 1998/10 Overseas Research Students Award
4. 1996/10 British Council British Council Scholarship
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■ #Research Topics, Funded Research, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1. 2019/04~  Japan as Doll Factory: Narrative of Posthuman / Postwoman in, and about Japan  (Key Word : )
2. 2017~2018/03  Influence of Japan and Gender Performativity in the Works of Angela Carter  (Key Word : )
3. 2012/04~2016/03  Gender Performativity in the Works of Angela Carter  (Key Word : )
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■ #researchmap Researcher Code
■ #Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research Researcher Number
■ External Researcher ID