    (最終更新日:2023-04-14 16:56:27)
  ランガガー,マーク   LANGAGER, Mark W.
  ランガガー, マーク W.
   所属   国際基督教大学教養学部 アーツ・サイエンス学科
   職種   上級准教授
■ 学歴
1. 1996/09~2001/06 Harvard University Graduate School of Education Human Development and Psychology 博士課程修了 Ed.D in HDP
2. 1997/06/08
Harvard University EdM in International Education
3. 1986/06/06
University of Washington College of Art and Sciences Bachelor of Arts
■ 職歴
1. 2012/04~2014/03 国際基督教大学 教育学デパートメント長
2. 2008/04~2011/03 国際基督教大学 人権相談員
3. 2003/09~2007/03 国際基督教大学 人権相談員
■ 現在の専門分野
教育学 (キーワード:Sustainability, Diversity) 
■ 主要学科目
International Comparative Education, Japanese Education in International Perspective, Diversity and Education in Modern Societies, Sustainability
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  Childhood academic language environments of Japanese sojourners: A principal components analysis study International Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education  (単著) 2009/03
2. 論文  Elements of war and peace in history education in the US and Japan: A case study compariso Journal of Peace Education  (単著) 2009/03
3. 論文  War Ideation and Peace Education in Japan and the US: A Case Study Compariso Journal of Social Science (57) (単著) 2005/03
4. 論文  An Argument for Cultural Meanings of Schooling: the Japanese Case Educational Studies 47,pp.pp. 1-10 (単著) 2005
5. その他 "Study of Attitudes and Global Engagement (SAGE, 2003-2006)"   (単著) 
■ 学会発表
1. 2009/05/22 The Mysterious Breathe of Life
2. 2009/03/25 Becoming Cosmopolitan in the US: How Japanese Sojourners Strategically Navigate Mainstream and Supplementary Education Overseas(Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference)
3. 2008/03/17 Equal Time in History: Comparing War Accounts and Attitudes in Japan and the US(Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference)
4. 2008/02/07 バイリンガルの言語環境作り:日本語・英語のバイリンガル高等学校における人口変容に答えて(National Association for Bilingual Education Annual Conference)
5. 2008/02/07 Literate in Two Languages: The Supplementary Educational Experience of Four Japanese Sojourning Families(National Association for Bilingual Education Annual Conference)
■ 講師・講演
1. A Survey Look at Education in Japan
2. 2009/06/18 Comparative Education: Leading the Way to a Changing World
3. 2009/04/25 バイリンガル教育とは何か
4. 2008/11/15 バイリンガル教育セミナー
5. 2008/06/03 Shaping Students into Learners through Evaluation and Grading
■ 所属学会
1. "Comparative and International Education SocietyMember and Reviewer, Subcommittee for the Gail P. Kelly Award for Outstanding Dissertation in 2008, 2009"
2. Asian Studies Conference Japan
3. Peace Education Commission of the International Peace Research Association
4. 国際理解教育学会
5. 2008~ National Association of Bilingual Education
■ 教育上の実績
1. 2004~2006 "I coordinated three 2-day workshops on Japanese education during the summers of 2004 - 2006, sponsored by IERS, hosting Asian Studies Outreach Program at University of Vermont, a group of K-12 and university educators from Vermont, USA."
2. 2004~ I helped to plan the Student Retreat in Spring of 2004.
3. 2005/04~2007/03 "Department Head, Education Department, CLA (April 2005 ? March 2007)"
4. 2006/04~2007/03 "Curriculum Coordinator, Education Department (April 2006 ? March 2007)"
5. 2008/04~ "Department Head, Education Department, GSDE (April 2008 ? the present)"
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2009/03 Comparative and International Education Society Certificate of Service
■ 社会における活動
1. "I recruited students as volunteer tutors at the Nozomi no Ie (House of Hope) children’s home, Musashi City, Tokyo, Japan (April 2008 to the present)."
2. "I volunteered in a service capacity at the Seattle Union Gospel Mission Women and Children’s Center (Winter, 2007-08)"
■ ホームページ
■ メールアドレス
■ 科研費研究者番号