The Impact of the United Nations Human Rights Treaties on the Domestic Level in Japan (Collaboration) 2024/02
Language | English | Publication Date | 2024/02 | Type | Scholarly Book | Invitation | With invitation | Title | The Impact of the United Nations Human Rights Treaties on the Domestic Level in Japan | Contribution Type | Joint Work | Journal Type | Another Country | Publisher | Brill | International coauthorship | International coauthorship |
Law in Liberal Arts: Critical Thinking in Pursuit of Freedom (Single) 2022
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2022 | Type | Scholarly Book | Title | Law in Liberal Arts: Critical Thinking in Pursuit of Freedom | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | The University of Tokyo Press |
International Law and Constitutional Legal Systems: The Competence to Implement International Norms (Single) 2020
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2020 | Type | Scholarly Book | Title | International Law and Constitutional Legal Systems: The Competence to Implement International Norms | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | University of Tokyo Press | Total page number | 248 |
Commons International Law (Collaboration) 2021
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2021 | Type | Textbook | Invitation | With invitation | Title | Commons International Law | Contribution Type | Chapter Contribution | Journal Type | Japan | Responsible for | International Law and Domestic Law |
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law (Collaboration) 2019
Language | English | Publication Date | 2019 | Type | Scholarly Book | Invitation | With invitation | Title | The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law | Contribution Type | Chapter Contribution | Journal Type | Another Country | Publisher | Oxford University Press | Responsible for | International Law in Japanese Courts | Author and coauthor | Curtis A. Bradley ed. |
Introduction to Legal Science (Collaboration) 2019
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2019 | Type | Scholarly Book | Invitation | With invitation | Title | Introduction to Legal Science | Contribution Type | Joint Work | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | Hokuju Publisher | Total page number | 278 | Author and coauthor | INA Masaki, TERADA Mayu, MATSUDA Hiromichi, KIRA Takayuki, NARIHARA Satoshi, YAMADA Satoshi, MATSUO Takayuki |
Domestic Implementation of International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Jurist (1583),pp.263-264 (Single) 2023
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2023 | Type | Rapid Communication, Short Communication, Research Note, etc. (Scientific Journal) | Peer Review | With peer review | Invitation | With invitation | Title | Domestic Implementation of International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Jurist | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | Yuhikaku | Volume, Issue, Pages | (1583),pp.263-264 |
The Right to Marry and to Found a Family: International Human Rights Law, Legal Philosophy, and Queer Studies Sociology of Law pp.122-131 (Single) 2023
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2023 | Type | Research Paper | Invitation | With invitation | Title | The Right to Marry and to Found a Family: International Human Rights Law, Legal Philosophy, and Queer Studies | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Sociology of Law | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.122-131 | Authorship | Lead author |
[Book Review] Yota Negishi, Conventionality Control of Domestic Law : Constitutionalised International Adjudication and Internationalised Constitutional Adjudication (Nomos, 2022, 252 pp.) [Open Access] Kokusaiho Gaiko Zasshi 121(4),pp.122-127 (Single) 2023
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2023 | Type | Book Review, etc. | Title | [Book Review] Yota Negishi, Conventionality Control of Domestic Law : Constitutionalised International Adjudication and Internationalised Constitutional Adjudication (Nomos, 2022, 252 pp.) [Open Access] | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Kokusaiho Gaiko Zasshi | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | 121(4),pp.122-127 |
Interpretation of Domestic Law in Conformity of International Law--Immigration Detention in Japan and the ICCPR pp.16-21 (Single) 2022
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2022 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Invitation | With invitation | Title | Interpretation of Domestic Law in Conformity of International Law--Immigration Detention in Japan and the ICCPR | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.16-21 |
Domestic Effects of International Law -- The Impact of the Dissenting Opinion by Justices Miyazaki and Uga The horitsu Jiho pp.79-84 (Single) 2021
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2021 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Title | Domestic Effects of International Law -- The Impact of the Dissenting Opinion by Justices Miyazaki and Uga | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | The horitsu Jiho | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.79-84 |
International Laws as Justiciable norms in the Japanese Constitutional Legal System: Distinguishing between "Direct Applicability" and "Justiciability" The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy 119(1),pp.92-115 (Single) 2020
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2020 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Peer Review | With peer review | Title | International Laws as Justiciable norms in the Japanese Constitutional Legal System: Distinguishing between "Direct Applicability" and "Justiciability" | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | Japanese Society of International Law | Volume, Issue, Pages | 119(1),pp.92-115 |
Hate Speech Demonstration and Authorization of Public Road Human Rights International pp.99-100 (Single) 2019
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2019 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Invitation | With invitation | Title | Hate Speech Demonstration and Authorization of Public Road | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Human Rights International | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.99-100 |
[Book Review] Globalization and Constitution: Tensions and Coordination with Supranational Legal Order by YAMADA Satoshi Asian Journal of International Law 8(2),pp.490-491 (Single) 2018
Language | English | Publication Date | 2018 | Type | Book Review, etc. | Peer Review | With peer review | Title | [Book Review] Globalization and Constitution: Tensions and Coordination with Supranational Legal Order by YAMADA Satoshi | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Asian Journal of International Law | Journal Type | Another Country | Publisher | Cambridge University Press | Volume, Issue, Pages | 8(2),pp.490-491 |
The competence to implement international norms under article 98 (2) of the Japanese Constitution Kobe Annals of Law and Politics 2018(32),pp.245-250 (Single) 2019
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2019 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Invitation | With invitation | Title | The competence to implement international norms under article 98 (2) of the Japanese Constitution | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Kobe Annals of Law and Politics | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | 2018(32),pp.245-250 |
The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (1) The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences pp.525-468 (Single) 2016
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2016 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Title | The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (1) | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.525-468 |
The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (2) The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences pp.728-681 (Single) 2016
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2016 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Title | The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (2) | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.728-681 |
The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (3) The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences, The University of Tokyo pp.1162-1104 (Single) 2016
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2016 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Title | The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (3) | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences, The University of Tokyo | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.1162-1104 |
The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (4) Kokka Gakkai Zasshi pp.122-75 (Single) 2017
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2017 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Title | The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (4) | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Kokka Gakkai Zasshi | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.122-75 |
The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (5) Kokka Gakkai Zasshi pp.674-632 (Single) 2017
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2017 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Title | The Competence of Implementing International Norms in Constitutional Legal Systems: A Comparative Analysis (5) | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Kokka Gakkai Zasshi | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.674-632 |
[Book Review] James Crawford and Martti Koskenniemi Eds.,The Cambridge Companion to International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2012,xi+471pp.) pp.183-186 (Single) 2013
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2013 | Type | Book Review, etc. | Title | [Book Review] James Crawford and Martti Koskenniemi Eds.,The Cambridge Companion to International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2012,xi+471pp.) | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.183-186 |
Case review, “X v Y1 and Y2, Final decision, Minshu Vol 67, No 6, p 1320; ILDC 2060 (JP 2013),
4 September 2013, Supreme Court” (Nollkaemper and de Wet eds., Oxford Reports
on International Law, International Law in Domestic Courts) (Single) 2014
Language | English | Publication Date | 2014 | Type | Review Article or Commentary (Other) | Peer Review | With peer review | Title | Case review, “X v Y1 and Y2, Final decision, Minshu Vol 67, No 6, p 1320; ILDC 2060 (JP 2013),
4 September 2013, Supreme Court” (Nollkaemper and de Wet eds., Oxford Reports
on International Law, International Law in Domestic Courts) | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal Type | Another Country |
Case review, “Nationality Act Case, X v Japan, Final Judgment, Minshu Vol 62, no 6, p1367, ILDC 1814 (JP 2008), 4th June 2008, Supreme Court” (Nollkaemper and de Wet eds., Oxford Reports on International Law, International Law in Domestic Courts) (Single) 2012
Language | English | Publication Date | 2012 | Type | Review Article or Commentary (Other) | Peer Review | With peer review | Title | Case review, “Nationality Act Case, X v Japan, Final Judgment, Minshu Vol 62, no 6, p1367, ILDC 1814 (JP 2008), 4th June 2008, Supreme Court” (Nollkaemper and de Wet eds., Oxford Reports on International Law, International Law in Domestic Courts) | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal Type | Another Country |
The Legal Effects of Human Rights Treaties in Japanese Courts - Who, Whom, and
How? Japanese Journal of International Human Rights Law pp.123-128 (Single) 2011
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2011 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Peer Review | With peer review | Title | The Legal Effects of Human Rights Treaties in Japanese Courts - Who, Whom, and
How? | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Japanese Journal of International Human Rights Law | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | The International Human Rights Law Association | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.123-128 |
International Human Rights in Japanese Courts - Restructuring the Theory of
Domestic Application The University of Tokyo Law Review pp.148-168 (Single) 2010
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2010 | Type | Research Paper (Scientific Journal) | Peer Review | With peer review | Title | International Human Rights in Japanese Courts - Restructuring the Theory of
Domestic Application | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | The University of Tokyo Law Review | Journal Type | Japan | Publisher | The University of Tokyo School of Law | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.148-168 |
Law in Liberal Arts: Enjoying Cultivating Critical thinking Innovative Learning pp.30-31 (Single) 2024/10
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2024/10 | Type | Other | Invitation | With invitation | Title | Law in Liberal Arts: Enjoying Cultivating Critical thinking | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Innovative Learning | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.30-31 |
Selected Bibliography on International Human Rights Law 2017 Human Rights International pp.116-120 (Single) 2018
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2018 | Type | Other | Title | Selected Bibliography on International Human Rights Law 2017 | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Human Rights International | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.116-120 |
Selected Bibliography on International Human Rights Law 2018 Human Rights International pp.149-165 (Single) 2019
Language | Japanese | Publication Date | 2019 | Type | Other | Title | Selected Bibliography on International Human Rights Law 2018 | Contribution Type | Single Work | Journal | Human Rights International | Journal Type | Japan | Volume, Issue, Pages | pp.149-165 |
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